By HH Shri Bhola Nathji ( 1902-1992) a Great Spiritual Luminary of our times who gave peace and beatitude to countless souls during his lifetime, relieving them of their ills and sorrows.
Before we step into the New Year and all that we have to do is to wish each other a Happy New Year there is something we must do in this year itself.
Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today.
I know you are all very busy doing your works in life and have very little time to waste.
But try to take a minute off and STOP!
LOOK around you and see what is happening around you.
People are hurrying and scurrying everywhere.
And yet each and every person that you see around you , including yourself, is destined to leave the world.
History is the story of the billions who have come into this world and gone away. So that the chances that we will stay around in this world when everyone else has gone are zero.
LISTEN to the Voice of your heart -- what does it say? Listen carefully and hear this voice.
We are like guests living in the house of a Host. A guest is one who comes one day, stays for a day and leaves one day. That is the picture of the world around us.
Have we established a relationship with the Host in whose house we are living? Or are we living in His world without even knowing about Him?
Do we feel as strong a relationship with Him as we do with our own family members or loved ones?
Make haste and make this relationship with Him before the time of life slips by. Each and every minute that passes is drawing you closer to the end of life.
Make a relationship with Him who sent you into this world before it is too late, before this year slips by and another year dawns upon us. It is not the time that is passing away. It is life. How many more Christmases do we have left to celebrate? How many Happy New Years till the voice is silent forever.
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