From the Thoughts of HH Shri Bhola Nathji, Great Spiritual Luminary of our time, who lived on the planet earth for 90 years giving peace and beatitude to countless souls and in whom people experienced God, even though he called himself Ghulam Rue Zameen, the Servant of the Earth, the Slave of all of Mankind.
"For as long as a man is alive he is afraid of Death. And dying, he does desire life. He lives in opposition and he dies in opposition. He loses the pleasure of both the states.
For as long as fear and opposition (to the Will of God) exist in the heart, happiness is lost.
Far better would it be if he accepts Death with a laugh, knowing that he is going towards a new life.
Man does not die in sleep. He leaves his body (of the wakeful state) and takes on a new body in the land of dreams. The dream being over he gives up the body of his dream and returns to the body of the Wakeful State.
And sometimes, leaving both, he passes on to a State of Sound Sleep. In all these changes the existence of the Soul is unaltered and maintained.
After death, too, there is a new life.
Therefore, Life is Life and Death, too, is Life."
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