There is news that will make people shed tears for days, if not years.
Today there was news that gunmen entered a school in Peshawar, Pakistan, and gunned down about 140 children. News reports stated that even though the children hid under tables, they were hunted down and shot dead there.
Indeed the month of December has been inauspicious for the past two years, last year there was the rape of an Indian girl 'Nirbhaya" which shocked the world, and now there is news of 140 children being shot.
In the past years there has been news of gunmen shooting children in Schools in the USA as well.
The question arises: what is happening to this world, despite the so called advances in science, and the apparent prosperity of the people?
Have people lost their moral sense in questions of politics and religion? Or is there a general tendency towards violence building up with the pressures of material advancement?
People speak of Jihad the Holy War for the sake of God, and in the name of God, like the Crusades of the past middle ages.
Yet they do not understand what Jihad really means.
It was defined by my grandfather HH Shri Babaji (1867-1940), as meaning the stifling of the evil tendencies within one's own heart, not the killing of people.
This is what he wrote on Jihad:
"The stifling of the evil within the heart,
Is the greatest Holy War,
He, indeed, is a true martyr,
Who has vanquished this unbeliever within."
Can people who kill children expect a reward from God in Heaven?
God has been defined as Merciful and Benevolent, but He has also been defined as Wrathful and Avenging for the evil-doers.
Lord Krishna fought an entire war for the sake of righteousness and to vanquish the evil-doers.
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