Today on the 13th of December, 74 years ago in 1940 my Grandfather, whose name was Devi Das Mehta, but who came to be known as HH Shri Babaji Bhagwan, left the physical world and mingled into his eternal immortal Self. He was the father of HH Shri Bhola Nathji ( 1902-1992) a great spiritual luminary of our times.
HH Shri Babaji was a millionaire who gave away his entire wealth to the poor and those in need, and thereby used wealth as a means of spiritual attainment. A Divine Light shone on his face and multitudes thronged to him to receive peace and beatitude and to be relieved of their sorrows and miseries.
There are certain rivers and streams which can be visibly seen watering the fields. These are the visible, vocal latter day holy men and preachers who can be seen and heard every day.
But there are certain Unseen Invisible Sources of Spirituality, like the unseen sources of water from which the rivers and rivulets take their water. These sources are not visible but their work is actively carried on by the water which flows out through them.
In a like manner there are certain Unseen Enlightened Souls, Prophets, who carry the light of God within themselves but who prefer to remain unseen and unknown, and it is through them that spiritual truths spread out to the world.
HH Shri Babaji used to say:
"There is no such thing as Life and Death. Life is an Order of God that brings us into the world. And Death another Order from Him which takes us away from this world.
" If we see in both of them the Will of God then there is neither Life nor Death, just His Will!"
He used to say:
"I am convinced there is no condition higher than that silence which comes of the abandonment of all latent desires!"
When he was on his death-bed on the 13th of December 1940 at Lahore in Northern India, a doctor came to him and said:
"Babaji, you are very ill!"
And Babaji said: " If I were ill I would have the desire to get well, but since I dont have this desire, I am not ill. I see in this illness only the Divine Will!"
And when the doctor said:
"Babaji you are dying!"
Shri Babaji replied: "If I were dying I would have the desire to live, but I am not dying because death does not exist for me, I see only the Divine Will!"
And even as HH Shri Babaji was closing his eyes he cast but one knowing glance at HH Shri Bhola Nathji, his son, who was sitting by his bedside and went into an eternal meditation from which he was never to emerge, and which is called Death.
For him it was nothing but an Order of God, and his small physical self mingled forever into the larger Self of God and became one with Him.
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