There come times in the lives of the Great Prophets and Saviours of mankind when they become disillusioned with mankind, when they see the wayward ways of the people of the world, who do not follow their simple commandments of love. Of Course this is a temporary phase, but how true!
The Great Saviours of the world came to enlighten humanity and to bring them to Love, but sadly their followers began to quarrel with each other, and there were wars, hatred and destruction, all of which went contrary to the teachings of these Great Saviours of mankind.
My Grandfather, HH Shri Babaji, (1867-1940) who was a millionaire who had given away all his wealth to the poor and had taken to the spiritual path, gave peace and beatitude to countless souls, and relieved them of their ills and sorrows, and was regarded as a Great Prophet of his times, had at one time become disillusioned with the people of the world.
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