Monday 28 January 2013


Research work done by eminent men of science have shown that an ass as well as a donkey are animals of great depth and perception.

People walking on narrow mountain trails with their baggage loaded on asses, donkeys or mules, are suddenly surprised when the animal refuses to take a step further on the narrow mountain trail-- which is often on the edge of a steep mountain hundreds of feet above level ground.

They try to push the animal on, but it just refuses to move!

And then suddenly the mountain trail in front of them collapses in a massive landslide. If they had moved one step further they would all have died.

The Ass, Mule or Donkey had a sixth sense which humans do not possess, warning him of the impending danger!!

And the irony of it all is that people still say:
"He is as dumb as an Ass!"

Rather they should be saying,
"He is a real genius. As smart as an Ass!!"

Instead of calling a person a donkey, deridingly, they should say,
"Honorable Donkey, Sir! We are honored by your assinine presence!"

Incidentally there was a singer by the name of Don Kay Muehl, but that is besides the point. Donkeys dont sing, they bray, and that is where the difference lies.


There is no doubt in my mind that women are beings who are far superior to men. This is my personal opinion and I do not wish to take issue with anyone, they are all welcome to their own opinions and I respect them all.

Look at a mother. She endures the terrible pain of childbirth to bring a baby into the world - who can be a man or a woman. She suffers a pain about as bad as cancer to bring man into the world. Then she sacrifices the better part of her life looking after and caring for the child till he is grown up. She will endure the greatest of sufferings for the sake of her child, and protect the child from all harm. She will go hungry herself and feed the child. She can even die for the sake of her child.

This is the love of a mother, a woman, for her offspring. This tremendous amount of sacrifice is not seen in any other relationship in the world. This is true love, selfless love, the love of God.

Truly has it been said that if God is an Ocean of Love, then one can find evidence of this Love in His creation in the form of a mother.

A woman brings softness, and gentleness, and kindness into the world, which are absent in men.

Has anyone heard of women gangsters, mobs, rapists, murderers,, has anyone heard of women making war in the hundreds and thousands, killing and shooting people? No, that is the hallmark of men. All the trouble in the world in fact is the hallmark of men. Most of the politicians in the world are in fact men. Most of the intolerant priests and men in robes who create inter-racial riots are men, most of the terrorists are men.

Granted that there are many good men too on the basis of which the world survives and who protect the women and children, but that still does not mean that men are better than women.

Somewhere in history came the concept that women are responsible for the sin in the world, and for years they suffered denigration, not being allowed even to vote, not even being given equality with men. Even in those cultures where women were worshiped as goddesses they were victims of exploitation and humiliation. It appears that man everywhere wanted a scapegoat to take out his ire on, someone to come home and slap around if the world was bad to him, someone to serve as his private punching bag, called a wife.

In fact it is men who are responsible for some of the most heinous acts in history. Hitler killing 6 million Jews, Saddam Hussein carrying out massacres of his own people, the Turks massacring the Armenians etc., etc. the partition riots between India and Pakistan.

In all these hateful acts of history the women suffered the most and were the victims most often, of the brutalities of men.

And on top of that, the men have the nerve to call women "sinful!?

My Grandfather, HH Shri Babaji, (1967-1940) who was a great Spiritual Master and an Enlightened Soul once said:

"There was a time when God became enraged with the human race and wished to obliterate it altogether. However then he thought of the women and the goodness of women- and he gave a reprieve to humanity for the sake of the women. In fact the sins of mankind were so great that God would have cast brimstone and fire on it-- but instead looked at the innocence of the women and allowed mankind to exist for a longer time in the hope that the men would reform themselves!"

So let the men be grateful for the women who are saving the world from the wrath of God. Let them also know that if they torment them, beat them and rape them more, then the wrath of God might so cast the fire and brimstone that it will fall upon only such men.
Women will still be the better half.

Thursday 24 January 2013


It is indeed surprising that death is ever present amongst us like a part of daily life. We know it causes an unbearable shock, much grief and depression, and we know that it is inevitable and must come on all.

It should be enough to make us less attached to wealth and material things in life. But no. Despite the fact that it is ever present amongst us we dont even bother to find out what it is and what comes after it.

Does anything exist after the body is cold and dead? Or was it like a machine that was working and which stopped. We choose to rely on the truth of the religious faiths into which we have been brought up -- all of which speak of a life after death. We choose to have faith in the human soul, which has not been proved by any scientific experiment as yet in a laboratory.

It is the soul that survives while it is the body that dies. That is what we are led to believe. There are many who believe that the soul lives iinside the grave with the body and then rises with the body at a later time known as the final judgement. All this is a matter of faith. Other religions believe it goes out of the body as soon as the body is ashes or dust.

If people could come back from the dead and tell us what exists after death things would be that much simpler and all of humanity would understand what is in store for them. It is all right for saviours of mankind to come back and tell us, but they were special souls. What about the rest of humanity, ordinary people, living only on faith,-- can scientific experiments bolster their faith? The human mind is llogical and needs logical proof of most things in life. Why dont we seek logical proofs of life after death? Or are ghost stories all that we have?

I present a website for those people who are interested in research having being done on what comes after death. It is a research site conducted not by biased religious folk but by highly qualified medical doctors from their experiences in hospitals. The great thing about this research is that the patients who underwent these near death experiences -- who came back from the dead-- were revived by medical resuscitation and had different stories to narrate, each in accordance with his beliefs in life or faith. People may read this in detail if they are interested in the subject What happened to them after they died? What did they see? What did they feel?

First I would like to narrate the story of an old friend and disciple of my father HH Shri Bhola Nathji ( 1902-1992) the Founder of the World Prayer Day. She was Mrs. Chaudhari, was a 80 year old lady, the wife of the Police Commissioner of New Delhi, who was very ill with a heart ailment in the city of Dalhousie in the Himalayas where a pittance of medical aid was available.

While alive she had full faith in HH Shri Nathji that he was her saviour and protector in life and she always prayed to him for help. For her she was the only God she ever knew. It was a faith that lasted till the end of her life.

When in a hospital in Dalhousie in 1992 she had a cardiac arrest-- her heart stopped beating. Doctors were trying their best to revive her, through thumps on the chest, artificial respiration, and later the defibrillator to shock the heart back. But there were no signs of life. Her body was medically dead. There was no pulse and the heart had stopped.

Then suddenly she came back to life, much to the surprise of the doctors -- who described this as "one of those miracles that occurs in hospitals when everything else has failed".

This is what Mrs. Chaudhari, the old lady described to the doctors when she came back to life:

"When my heart stopped, I had left my body and seemed to rise in the room till I was at the ceiling. I could see the doctors thumping my chest and doing all sorts of things to bring me back to life. I could not believe I was "dead" as they were saying. I felt very much alive, but simply out of my body.

"And then suddenly some force seemed to pull me out of the room and into the vast skies and the universe beyond.. it was darkness all around.. and then I saw a light.. a was pulled towards it..and there stood two men there who said to me :"Mrs.Chaudhari, your time on earth is over. We have come to take you away!"

"But I screamed: "I dont want to die!! My Master Nathji had told me I would not die yet!!"

"The men said: 'We are bound by the orders of God to take you!"

"Just then a being of light appeared in the skies, and it was Nathji! He said very loudly to the men: 'Take this woman back to earth!'

"The men said : "We have orders from God!"

And Nathji said: "God and I are not separate! Take her back to earth!

"Just then my eyes opened and I found myself in this operation theatre with the doctors standing stupefied..."

"I know I had died, but it was my Saviour, Nathji, who fulfilled his promise to me and sent me back!!"

This story just goes to show that when you have left the body then iit is your Faith in your Saviour, whoever he may be of whatever faith, that comes to your rescue. It is in fact God who reveals to man that he was appearing before them in the guise of their Saviours and their faith!"

Death unites man in the common belief that they were all worshiping the same God in different names and forms.

Thus Hindus experienced Krishna after death, Christians experienced Christ after death, Muslims experienced Muhammad or Allah, the Buddhists experienced Buddha coming to them, the Jews experienced fact all the people of the world experience a UNITY of GOD in the form of the Saviours that they had been worshiping all their lives.

Atheists experience the force and power of their Loved Ones, and realise all at once that it was God who was appearing before them in the form of their loved ones as Love, as indeed God was appearing as the Love of their Saviours to all people with Faith after death.

Saturday 19 January 2013


There is one thing that mankind seems to have forgotten - that even before all the religions of the world came into existence, there was God and there was man, and there was a relationship between them, the relationship of the Creator and His Creation.

All had One Father and all were His children. All the DNA molecules stemmed from Him.

So why these differences now? How can any particular person say that only He was created by God and the others were not. Only he is especially favored and the others are not? Then who created the others?


Nowadays on almost every stage or platform you see men with trite knowledge and learning, known as political leaders, shooting their mouths off on every subject under the sun - be it rape or Pakistan or the economy, or world politics. If it were not for their positions of power no one would even listen to them.

These are ordinary people with ordinary learning, and not experts in any field of knowledge - yet just because they have been given a stage to stand on and a platform and podium, and worse still, a microphone to speak through, they fill the world with their enlightenment, often making gaffes of the worst sort. It is also the one place they get to vent their sense of humor, telling jokes at which only they and their sycophants laugh.

So what is the definition of a microphone?

A microphone is that instrument before which the speaker's mind goes suddenly blank.