Monday 28 January 2013


There is no doubt in my mind that women are beings who are far superior to men. This is my personal opinion and I do not wish to take issue with anyone, they are all welcome to their own opinions and I respect them all.

Look at a mother. She endures the terrible pain of childbirth to bring a baby into the world - who can be a man or a woman. She suffers a pain about as bad as cancer to bring man into the world. Then she sacrifices the better part of her life looking after and caring for the child till he is grown up. She will endure the greatest of sufferings for the sake of her child, and protect the child from all harm. She will go hungry herself and feed the child. She can even die for the sake of her child.

This is the love of a mother, a woman, for her offspring. This tremendous amount of sacrifice is not seen in any other relationship in the world. This is true love, selfless love, the love of God.

Truly has it been said that if God is an Ocean of Love, then one can find evidence of this Love in His creation in the form of a mother.

A woman brings softness, and gentleness, and kindness into the world, which are absent in men.

Has anyone heard of women gangsters, mobs, rapists, murderers,, has anyone heard of women making war in the hundreds and thousands, killing and shooting people? No, that is the hallmark of men. All the trouble in the world in fact is the hallmark of men. Most of the politicians in the world are in fact men. Most of the intolerant priests and men in robes who create inter-racial riots are men, most of the terrorists are men.

Granted that there are many good men too on the basis of which the world survives and who protect the women and children, but that still does not mean that men are better than women.

Somewhere in history came the concept that women are responsible for the sin in the world, and for years they suffered denigration, not being allowed even to vote, not even being given equality with men. Even in those cultures where women were worshiped as goddesses they were victims of exploitation and humiliation. It appears that man everywhere wanted a scapegoat to take out his ire on, someone to come home and slap around if the world was bad to him, someone to serve as his private punching bag, called a wife.

In fact it is men who are responsible for some of the most heinous acts in history. Hitler killing 6 million Jews, Saddam Hussein carrying out massacres of his own people, the Turks massacring the Armenians etc., etc. the partition riots between India and Pakistan.

In all these hateful acts of history the women suffered the most and were the victims most often, of the brutalities of men.

And on top of that, the men have the nerve to call women "sinful!?

My Grandfather, HH Shri Babaji, (1967-1940) who was a great Spiritual Master and an Enlightened Soul once said:

"There was a time when God became enraged with the human race and wished to obliterate it altogether. However then he thought of the women and the goodness of women- and he gave a reprieve to humanity for the sake of the women. In fact the sins of mankind were so great that God would have cast brimstone and fire on it-- but instead looked at the innocence of the women and allowed mankind to exist for a longer time in the hope that the men would reform themselves!"

So let the men be grateful for the women who are saving the world from the wrath of God. Let them also know that if they torment them, beat them and rape them more, then the wrath of God might so cast the fire and brimstone that it will fall upon only such men.
Women will still be the better half.

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