Saturday 6 July 2013


MY Grandfather, DD. Mehta, ( 1867-1940) who later came to be known as HH Shri Babaji, was a millionaire in North India, in the Punjab.

At a very young age when he was in possession of untold wealth he gave away his wealth to the poor and took to the spiritual path. Multitudes thronged to him to get peace and beatitude from him and to be relieved of their ills and sorrows. People began to experience God in him.

There was a time when he was in Sialkot in Punjab, where people thronged to him in large numbers.

A bigoted religionist heard of people praise Shri Babaji and came to see him. He was a priest. Coming before him he said to Shri Babaji:

"People say you are God! Are you really God?"

HH Shri Babaji said to him: "Well, you should have the perception to recognise God if I am He!"

And HH Shri Babaji continued: "You have read your Holy Books?"

The man said: "How could I have become a priest if I had not read my Holy Books?"

HH Shri Babaji said: "Then you must have read the definition of God in them!"

"Of course!" said the priest.

And Shri Babaji said: "Then if I conform to that definition you have your answer. And if I do not conform to that definition you also have your answer. Why do you ask me? If you know a person you dont ask him- are you the man I know!"

The priest appeared satisfied. And then he asked Shri Babaji:

"Are you the God of your own Ego or the God of the people?"

And HH Shri Babaji said;

"I am neither! These days I am in that state where I am experiencing the annihilation of my own self and finding my salvation in this annihilation!"

Shri Babaji continued:

"It is the Light of my Eternal Friend that illiuminates my existence,
Otherwise I am that dust from which I was made!

Thereafter the priest became so enamoured of the Truth of Shri Babaji that he became his follower and would visit him every day and listen to him speak for long hours.

Shri Babaji taught that it was only through the annihilation of one's own ego before God that one could reach God and attain His Grace and His Light.

Unless man became like a zero before God he could not attain His mercy and grace. He would then be like zero coming before One to become "ten".

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