Wednesday, 2 November 2016


The following principles should always be borne in mind and a constant effort should be made for acting up to them. Our present condition is such that it compels us to adopt a simple and cheap line of treatment.
1. Perform no action in secret : or in other words, when you are going to do something which is bad either in your relation to society or in relation to God and it strikes you that Secrecy is required for it, then abandon it at once.
2. Do nothing which after being done will lead you to tell lies.
3. Do not desire evil for anyone : no matter what his religion or nationality may be.
4. Help some poor person or persons as far as you can. If you are not in a position to help, then try not to hurt anyone.
5. Never remain alone (mentally) : i.e. imagine that that Reality, that Great Power, is always with you. All your words and actions should be worthy of His presence with you at all times.
6. Find time once every morning and once every evening for prayers : In the morning, address God in your own words : something like this :
“O Lord of all Creation, I am Thine. For some reason I am again trapped in this body. Thy world is very alluring and powerful. I am going out into it for a day. Catch me by the hand and give me strength to behave in it in the right way. Keep your own remembrance always fresh in my mind. I am a child, and have no wisdom. In any case, I cannot overpower evil thoughts created by my senses. For that reason please do catch me by the hand, and take me through the day, under thy own guidance and protection. Do catch my hand please!”
In the evening turn your attention inwards to see where and on how many occasions weakness appeared and you fell. Repent genuinely and pray to God to help you through similar occasions when they arise next time, without a fall. On the other hand, if any good act appears to have been performed by you during the day, be not proud, but thank God because His kindness helped you to do it successfully.
7. In all pleasure and pain that comes during the day try to see His will prevailing. Enshrine Him in your heart perpetually.
Look upon your ties and relationships as an Actor looks upon his stage relations : whose reality is immortal but whose dresses are changeable. Either dissolve these stage ties completely internally : or establish a permanent and abiding relationship with them knowing of their reality which is immortal and never-ending.
8. Do no good turn with the expectation of getting a return for it : but always try to please the Master with your play (actions).

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