Tuesday, 1 November 2016


The Years 1939-1945 were terrible years for the world. More blood was shed on this planet earth in the Second World War than at any other time in history.
Hitler was a madman obsessed not only with conquering the world but also obsessed with murdering and obliterating the Jews from the face of the earth.
Innocent Jews, who had nothing to do with the war, men, women and children, and even old folk and infants were being slaughtered by Hitler's Nazis and his SS chiefs. Their only fault was that they were Jews.
The iron fist of the Nazis was so powerful that no one dared speak out against them to protect the Jews.
That was a time when an American Businessman by the name of Schindler was doing business which profited the Nazis and their war efforts. He was held in some respect by the Nazis for the money they could extract from him.
Though outwardly Schindler was a materialistic man and indulged in the philosophy of "eat, drink and be merry", entertaining the Nazis in the process, inwardly he was a man with a soft heart.
He found out that there were men amongst the Nazi officers who were susceptible to bribes. And so he began to bribe them -- to set as many Jews free as he could "buy" from them. And he succeeded in saving the lives of hundreds of Jews by the time the war was over.
At the end of this true story there was Schindler talking to himself, ruing the fact that he had led a life of luxury:
"For that Rolls Royce car I could have saved several Jews more, for that mansion of mine I could have saved many more Jewish lives, for the money I spent on the lavish parties I could have saved more.."
And thus he began to weep copiously, realizing that if money could save lives how important it was to have used it for that purpose rather than to have wasted it on himself.
The materialists of our age have much to learn from that man's history even though he made no pretense to being religious or even spiritual.
There was something within him known as the Human Conscience, which had been awakened to make him live for the sake of others.
HH Shri Bhola Nathji (1902-1992) my father, a Great Spiritual Luminary of his time used to say:
"The Laws of God had been written down in the conscience of man at the time of Creation itself...and the laws clearly stated that man must love man, man must live for man.."

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